(In no particular order…)
What are WE listening to?
Here are some podcasts I (David), listen to on a very regular basis. I really favor independent work, especially my local podcasters here in Kentucky. For me, it is all about content, engagement and audio quality.
Give these a try, and let them know what you think by giving them 5 stars and earth shattering great reviews on Apple Podcasts. Enjoy!

The Speaking of Harvey Podcast
Scott Harvey, a person I am proud to call a friend and an invaluable Master Mind mentor, describes his show as:
“Have you ever dreamed of being a full-time speaker? Does the idea of leaving the traditional 9 to 5 and making a living from inspiring thousands with your message get you fired up? If so, the Speaking of Harvey podcast is for you. Subscribe today and you will learn how you can take your public speaking from “side hustle gigs” into a profitable, full-time, career where you are eager to wake up every morning, knowing that you are doing the work that you feel most called to do in this world.”
A show full of up-beat content, advice and wisdom.

The Uncommon History of the South Podcast
Another fine friend and former co-coworker, Brian, and his partner in crime Harold, deep dive local area history with tons of detail and cool facts.
“We discover little-known facts of uncommon history. History is full of curious characters and interesting stories you will never discover in any textbook. We discover fun facts of historical events, interesting places, famous people, and everything in between.”
One of my handful of go-to podcasts, that I wait impatiently for the next download.

The Lexington Podcast
I took to this one as we would say here in Kentucky “Like a hot pig to cooool mud”. Sister and brother, Erica and Jonathan, highlight history and True Crime in Lexington Kentucky and sprinkle in contemporary tidbits about this place called home. We have actually worked with them on productions (listen to The Murder of Clay Nelson on The Murder Police Podcast) and hope to do more!
“A show dedicated to the historic past and compelling present of Lexington, Kentucky. True crime, current events, notable spots, and interesting locals in the Bluegrass.”
Subscribe to this one, and take a good listen to their coverage of The Bluegrass Conspiracy and The Murder of Michael Turpin for sure.

The 13th Floor Podcast
Oh my. Noting short of amazing. With over 100 episodes, I am still binging to catch up. You will smile out loud and feel smarter with every episode. CeCe, Alex and James research listener suggested topics and report out on the topics. Perfect quality, content and host chemistry.
“The 13th Floor is a symposium on all things occult and paranormal. From verified phenomena like Haitian zombies and sleep paralysis to more outlandish topics like Donut Earth Theory and Bigfoot, The 13th Floor will study and pick-apart a wide variety of bizarre and macabre ideas.”
Start listening today to improve your IQ and smile.

Taking Alex
From Lexington Kentucky broadcast journalist extraordinaire, Kristen Pflum. Kristin created a fantastic series about the disappearance and murder of Alex Johnson. This is a must listen. So find it, download all of the episodes and binge the hell out of this one. Now. Seriously. NOW.

Dr. Greg Davis on Medicine
Not only is Dr. Greg Davis a friend and podcast guest, he is a wealth of knowledge in the field of medicine. In this super convenient short episodes, Dr. Davis brings important information to light with the help other health experts from around the world.

One Movie Guys Opinion Podcast
Another local go-to favorite is our good friend Chuck Ginter and his guests as they offer some of the most entertaining perspectives on movies they watch. Chuck is fulll of passion and it shows in very well-produced episode!

If there was an inspirational podcast for us at The Murder Police Podcast, this is the one. Host Emily Thompson painstakingly researches cases to the highest detail and delivers them in one of the most delightful voices in the podcast world. If you like details, she leaves no stone unturned.