The July 28, 1986 murder of Clay Nelson in Lexington Kentucky
Published Dates:
The Murder of Clay Nelson Part 1 of 2 | April 27, 2021
The Murder of Clay Nelson Part 2 of 2 | May 11, 2021
On July 28, 1986, firefighters and police responded to a fire at a restaurant in Lexington Kentucky called Columbia’s on Alexandria Drive.
When police arrived they found and removed a victim from the rear of the restaurant, which was fully on fire. Unfortunately, the male victim, Clay “Pally” Nelson was deceased. Officers quickly determined foul play was at hand and called for the detectives. Fran Root, with the Lexington Homicide Unit, responded to the scene.
Listen to Fran describe this case in two episodes. A high speed car chase, a crash, money bags, blood stains, a stolen auto report, a gun, a knife, successful canine tracks; more evidence than you can shake a stick at. And most unique and rare of all the evidence, the murder victim offers testimony from the grave.
These two episodes feature special guests from a fantastic podcast called The Lexington Podcast. Erica and Jonathan, a sister and brother team, jump right in the interview with Fran and bring great questions, perspective and energy to the case.
Suspect Clothing Money Bag Money Bag Money Bag Money Bag Bar Area Kitchen Blood Evidence Blood Evidence Blood Evidence Blood Evidence Blood Evidence Approaching Kitchen The Walk In Cooler and Tie You’d Have to Ask Fran Dining Area Dining Area Kitchen Knife in Car Rear Door Daylight Scene Suspect Residence Suspect Car Crash Suspect Car Crash Suspect Car Crash Suspect Car Crash The Suspect Named Clarence Suspect Name in Dressing Our Man Fran