The Murder of Lydia Blanche Cassady | Part 2 of 4
The Murder of Lydia Blanche Cassady | Part 1 of 4 | 4/18/2023
The Murder of Lydia Blanche Cassady | Part 2 of 4 | 5/2/2023
The Murder of Lydia Blanche Cassady | Part 3 of 4 | 5/16/2023
The Murder of Lydia Blanche Cassady | Part 4 of 4 | 5/30/2023
In episode 2, Carolyn Hundley describes plans that were discussed that would help Lydia leave the relationship she was in with Kenneth Strange. Those plans included using funds from Lydia’s father’s estate, after he passed away in October 2021. Oddly enough, Lydia’s murderer had other plans for her money.
We learn that after her father’s death, and Ken’s constant insistence that he spend the estate money, Lydia’s demeanor toward Ken changed dramatically, as if she was through with him and the relationship.
In the weeks leading up to the murder, Lydia gets a job, offering some financial independence, new friends and relationships and bolsters her confidence.
In our interview, another woman comes into the picture, Ken leans in harder with wedding plans and Carolyn describes seeing her sister, for the last time.
If you are a victim of Domestic or Partner Violence, please call your local police department or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233. You are not alone, and there are resources available to help you and your family.
Show Transcript
The Murder of Lydia Blanch Cassady | Part 2 of 4
00;00;01;00 – 00;00;19;22
Carolyn Hundley
And I guess during this time she had pretty much told him right after Thanksgiving, I don’t want to be with you anymore. I want to leave. I want to, you know, not really divorce because they’re not married. But I want to leave. Take the kids. We’re going to get our own place. You can even have a key to the house.
00;00;19;23 – 00;00;27;00
Carolyn Hundley
I mean, you still be part of the family kind of thing, but it’s just not good.
00;00;27;05 – 00;00;41;27
Wendy Lyons
Warning. The podcast you’re about to listen to may contain graphic descriptions of violent assaults, murder and adult language. Listener discretion is advised. Welcome to the Murder Police podcast, The murder of Lydia Cassidy, Part two.
00;01;02;08 – 00;01;19;20
Carolyn Hundley
You know, it’s funny you look back now, but when we talked to Lydia about it, it was, you know, I can’t be away from you and Daryl and, you know, and Booboo and, you know, all the family and, you know, because that was her big thing is, you know, you all are my only support, right? You know, I can’t be away from.
00;01;19;20 – 00;01;23;04
Wendy Lyons
Was there a way to secretly still see her, though, if you all moved her somewhere?
00;01;23;04 – 00;01;44;06
Carolyn Hundley
Probably not. Just because he was so superstar, like when it came to that kind of stuff, we were just scared that. I mean, he would know that she would want to be with with us or seeing us, and that was too much to even, you know. So it was like we come up with the option of, okay, you got to either do this, go down under kind of world, you know, almost like with the greenhouse 17.
00;01;44;06 – 00;01;56;03
Carolyn Hundley
Yes. Kind of go off the radar, the grid or, you know, you got to get a plan to get out and start that plan. So she decided to go down that route, you know.
00;01;56;13 – 00;02;05;15
Wendy Lyons
Make sure when we because we won’t hit it right now. But when we get ready to finish up, I do want to talk about things that you’re involved in in the wake of this death. And let’s make sure we talk about greenhouse.
00;02;05;16 – 00;02;05;22
Carolyn Hundley
00;02;06;06 – 00;02;09;25
Wendy Lyons
You’re right. Now. No, it’s fine. Fantastic. Pete. Oh, my God. Fantastic.
00;02;09;25 – 00;02;10;26
Carolyn Hundley
You can’t say enough about that.
00;02;10;27 – 00;02;15;17
Wendy Lyons
Or so people need to keep listening to understand what that’s all about. What a great thing to drop.
00;02;16;14 – 00;02;26;23
Wendy Lyons
So moving forward, years down the road, you all just kind of go along to get along with them. Yeah. And then years pass.
00;02;27;00 – 00;02;27;08
Carolyn Hundley
00;02;28;05 – 00;02;35;12
Wendy Lyons
What was the pivotal moment? Where and when were you all said, you can’t keep doing this no more?
00;02;35;14 – 00;02;56;23
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah, well, and I think, you know, throughout the years, you know, any kind of events that we, I mean we’re, we’re big entertainers. We love to have people in our home. You know, every every year we throw a big Christmas party, you know, all that, because and just people realize, I mean, once you’re around him for any length of time, you realize, you know, something just not right, like something, you know.
00;02;57;09 – 00;03;36;13
Carolyn Hundley
And I think as that went along, I think probably the most pivotal point was October of 21, which would be when my her father, my stepfather, passed away. He got really sick with liver cancer and he died. And when he died, he had left Lydia some things and some money. Not a whole lot, but enough for her to know that she could do some things to kind of get out of this.
00;03;37;09 – 00;03;55;22
Carolyn Hundley
And so when he was really sick and he started to die, and when he died, I said, you know, because I was his took care of all of his estate and his will and stuff. And I said, look, you know, I always call him Daddy RUSH. I’m like, day rush would have I mean, I could stand him either.
00;03;56;03 – 00;04;14;25
Carolyn Hundley
And, you know, you’ve got some decisions to make here. Now you have the means, because that was one of the big control factors, is she never had the means ever. And, you know, she had support. And we always offer different things. But, you know, she never had the means to actually go and and.
00;04;15;08 – 00;04;15;26
Wendy Lyons
To make it.
00;04;15;26 – 00;04;36;24
Carolyn Hundley
Happen and make it happen. And so when he passed, as soon as he passed, I mean, even at the funeral, I mean, these are some of the things that you just Oh, I mean, he’s in the casket. My sister are at the front of the casket just like you do. You greet the folks that are at the visitation.
00;04;36;24 – 00;05;04;02
Carolyn Hundley
I mean, he’s trying to determine who’s getting what was in the house. And I told Lydia when he died, I said, look, I’m not messing with him. You and I will sit down and we will determine what happens without him, without his input. And you will make a decision and I will make a decision. He has no like literally he was at the casket talking about TV and things within his hall, the home.
00;05;04;14 – 00;05;29;13
Carolyn Hundley
And he and and that was the first glimmer of her being furious with him that I had seen. Because literally, she said because I said, now’s not the place to talk about this to him. And he kept on and he just kept on. And she finally said something like, Now, these are my words, not hers. But it was something similar, like enough already.
00;05;29;14 – 00;05;36;01
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah, but it was the tone she took. And I was like, Who’s this? Because this person had never shown up.
00;05;36;01 – 00;05;38;03
Wendy Lyons
And he probably thought, Who’s this?
00;05;38;03 – 00;06;03;01
Carolyn Hundley
And I was like, Okay, so but when that happened, he quickly went into mode of kind of the narcissist of, okay, I’m going to buy some land. I’m going to I’ve been looking around and I’m going to get this and I’m going to do this. And I with all her dad’s money, you know, and again, not that much.
00;06;03;26 – 00;06;09;21
Wendy Lyons
And I think we I think we just got past uncouth for. Yeah, I think she’s got past.
00;06;09;23 – 00;06;33;20
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah, Yeah we did. And you know, and I mean even Daryl was like oh my gosh, this is I mean, it’s nuts. And, you know, and I said to her, I said, I hope your ears are open and you’re hearing what is happening here, because, I mean, it was almost like a video you’re watching and you were just like and I think like she really was picking up on it now.
00;06;33;20 – 00;06;37;26
Carolyn Hundley
Like I mean, I think it’s she knew it all along, but I think this.
00;06;37;26 – 00;06;38;18
Wendy Lyons
What opened her.
00;06;38;18 – 00;06;48;24
Carolyn Hundley
Eyes this was the point of, well, I’m not I mean, you just tell her whole confidence level changed and her whole attitude changed towards him at that point.
00;06;49;03 – 00;06;59;09
Wendy Lyons
It’s so rude. First of all, you’re at a funeral. Who does that? The man’s not even in the ground yet, God rest his soul. But it’s not your money to spend. And that it’s it’s.
00;06;59;20 – 00;07;01;09
Wendy Lyons
Emotional pain that she’s going through. Yeah.
00;07;01;09 – 00;07;08;08
Wendy Lyons
How about the fact that she just lost her dad and you’re trying to spend the money that’s not even yours? Yeah. How dare you? That’s awful.
00;07;08;16 – 00;07;29;19
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah. And so, you know, again, that was happening, and I think that was her first my first view of her getting a little bit of wealth behind her, like, you know, enough. And again, that’s, in my words, not hers at the time, but it was something to that effect, like shut up kind of thing. Yeah. You know, it was like, enough’s enough about that.
00;07;29;27 – 00;07;53;15
Carolyn Hundley
That’s not the place. And so that was kind of the first piece. Glimmer And so Rush was buried or not buried, but we did Rush’s services. He was cremated and then, you know, obviously worked through all of his home in his belongings. And so it was, you know, of course, he wanted to kind of keep at that kind of stuff.
00;07;53;15 – 00;08;10;21
Carolyn Hundley
And, you know, I don’t know how many times I had to tell Lydia. I’m like, look, I’m not dealing with him. We’re not doing it. So, you know, her and I had to have several conversations without him, which is really, you know, because most time you can’t get her without him, you know, unless she was at work, he’d call her on the phone.
00;08;11;29 – 00;08;36;09
Carolyn Hundley
But I think after that, it what really changed the tune was I think he realized after he was doing all the I I’m going to and she basically like I’m going to buy some place in eastern Kentucky and she’s basically going, I’m not moving away from my sister and Daryl not moving away from him. And I mean, and she started to get more confident in that of I’m not doing that like I’m not buying land.
00;08;36;14 – 00;09;00;26
Carolyn Hundley
I don’t want to do that. And he kept with that. And then I think that kind of went on and November came around and I would say the next time there was kind of a big peace was right around Thanksgiving. In fact, on Thanksgiving, he walks in and we’re cooking or whatever, and everybody’s kind of eaten. And you know how everybody kind of mills out after Thanksgiving.
00;09;01;23 – 00;09;26;04
Carolyn Hundley
And I remember him walking to go get a drink, which is in my mudroom another room, but it’s right there off the kitchen. And he said, Hey, Carolyn, did your sister tell you that She said she wasn’t going to marry me. I asked her to marry me and she she said no. And that’s when he walked around The thing the into the Mudd room.
00;09;26;04 – 00;09;50;26
Carolyn Hundley
And she then says something and I again, can’t remember exact words, but she was like, No, I’m not marrying you, you know, or something like that. Really cocky and confident. And I remember him whipping her back around the corner. And that was the first that I’d kind of seen him. And he goes, What did you just say? And so there was this like really awkward.
00;09;50;26 – 00;09;56;05
Wendy Lyons
Moment for you standing there observing it. I bet Darrell was just like, Well, actually, brace yourself.
00;09;56;13 – 00;10;12;00
Carolyn Hundley
I don’t know that because I feel like they were doing something out in the garage or they were out on the porch. I don’t even know that Darrell was like right there. I remember maybe in the kitchen and her sitting at the table and him walking around that mud room to get the drink and him coming back going, What did you just say?
00;10;12;20 – 00;10;25;25
Carolyn Hundley
And so I kind of was like, okay, you know, uncomfortable, you know? Yeah. And so from there on, it became very weird at that point.
00;10;26;04 – 00;10;28;06
Wendy Lyons
Did the afternoon of Thanksgiving did it? Kind of.
00;10;28;06 – 00;10;41;12
Carolyn Hundley
It was okay. It was okay? Yep. Yep. It was okay. But I think at that point was there she realized, yeah, the only reason he’d be asking me to marry me is.
00;10;41;12 – 00;10;42;11
Wendy Lyons
To get money.
00;10;42;11 – 00;10;43;09
Carolyn Hundley
To get this money?
00;10;43;09 – 00;10;43;28
Wendy Lyons
00;10;44;13 – 00;10;46;10
Wendy Lyons
Oh, without a doubt. I’m going to stand.
00;10;46;10 – 00;10;46;29
Carolyn Hundley
Next to Extra. Yeah.
00;10;46;29 – 00;10;55;07
Wendy Lyons
I mean, if you had been with him nearly 20 years and you haven’t asked yet, some people took five years, but I never stuck around for 20 jobs here.
00;10;55;08 – 00;10;55;18
Wendy Lyons
00;10;56;06 – 00;11;00;15
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah. So I think that was kind of that turning point.
00;11;00;17 – 00;11;05;24
Wendy Lyons
Did you ask her after, like tomorrow or the next day? Were you like, what was that all about?
00;11;05;24 – 00;11;22;10
Carolyn Hundley
Well, and that’s when she said, Well, yeah, he did ask me to marry him and I told him no, and I’m not marrying him. And I mean, she would get kind of her attitude with me. That’s a little different than it was with him. Yes. And she’s just like, I’m not married. And I said, well, it’s a good thing because that’s all he’s after is your money.
00;11;22;10 – 00;11;30;20
Carolyn Hundley
I mean, you sit there for a month and listen to him, how he’s going to do all the things with his money. Yes. You know, and I’m like, this is crazy. Just crazy.
00;11;31;05 – 00;11;36;25
Wendy Lyons
So you you get through Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Any incidents at Christmas or did you have them back?
00;11;36;25 – 00;12;20;00
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah, well, I would say the last two weeks prior to probably three weeks prior to her death, things were very I, I don’t know, I would just call them creepy, crazy. I don’t even know all the things that you would call them. You know, the kids are out two weeks right there at Christmas time. She had gotten a job and had been working as kind of a medical assistant kind of person, like a C, M, and A I think it’s what’s called for dermatologist office with the clinic and loved this job had done her schooling did really well.
00;12;20;12 – 00;12;40;26
Carolyn Hundley
First real job and kind of the real world of, you know, going in a certain time, being held accountable to come home at a certain time. You know, you can’t be on the phone with Ken 19 times during the day. You had pharmaceutical reps coming in and saying, hey, we’re taking the doctor’s office and the nurses out to dinner.
00;12;41;06 – 00;12;54;05
Carolyn Hundley
And he was absolutely, absolutely not. And if he if she did, it was kind of the wrath, you know, not that’s not okay. Why aren’t they taking me out? You know, it was all about him. Yeah, it’s like it has nothing to do with you.
00;12;54;11 – 00;12;59;16
Wendy Lyons
Well, and he’s probably realizing she’s somebody now. Yeah. She’s important in this role.
00;12;59;16 – 00;12;59;25
Carolyn Hundley
00;13;00;08 – 00;13;04;04
Wendy Lyons
She’s. Does it just have to sit and wait for me to come home to eat my dinner up?
00;13;04;04 – 00;13;29;18
Carolyn Hundley
Yep. And she was, you know, kind of making a way for herself. Sure. She really liked it. She’d made some really close friends within the doctor’s office that kind of knew. Knew what was going on. You know, just a lot of a lot of things. There about she had through the clinic. She had a really small, you know, kind of life insurance thing.
00;13;30;03 – 00;13;52;15
Carolyn Hundley
And two weeks prior to her death, she had changed her life insurance policy from kin to the children. Wow. Yeah. And so that those two weeks prior 2 to 3 weeks prior to her death, she she really wanted a brand new truck. She wanted a brand new she never had a brand new truck. She’d always had, like, used vehicles.
00;13;52;15 – 00;14;19;13
Carolyn Hundley
In fact, this is just another one of those kind of ego things, is he’d actually supposedly bought her a used truck that was actually pretty good. And then he had kind of this old SUV and he bought her this truck. It’s like, you know, and that, of course, when he come around, he’d tout y about your sister, this new truck, and then another day and, you know, and then I forget what happened.
00;14;19;13 – 00;14;38;23
Carolyn Hundley
She did something wrong. She didn’t do something right. And he basically took the truck away from her and gave her the piece of crap as a vehicle so that, you know, it didn’t work. Right. You had to push the gas and the brake. It’s like, I mean, weird stuff, like just not good. But it was stuff like that that he would.
00;14;38;23 – 00;14;39;21
Wendy Lyons
To punish her.
00;14;41;01 – 00;15;01;17
Carolyn Hundley
And so those last few weeks, one day we had taken my niece to see a movie. And I guess during this time she had pretty much told him right after Thanksgiving, I don’t want to be with you anymore. I want to leave. I want to, you know, not really divorce because they’re not married. But I want to leave.
00;15;01;17 – 00;15;20;25
Carolyn Hundley
Take the kids. We’re going to get our own place. You can even have a key to the house. I mean, you still be part of the family kind of thing, but it’s just not good. Like we need to go our separate ways. And so I think that all then started kind of all this stuff in between there, too.
00;15;20;25 – 00;15;42;06
Carolyn Hundley
I think, you know, she was just done with him. And, you know, I think at one point, you know, she had like, I’m just done with him like he’s going to be done. And, you know, I think at one point, you know, she had of course, you know, everybody’s on social media and the tech talks and whatever. So I think she had started like having a conversation with another gentleman.
00;15;42;21 – 00;15;51;13
Carolyn Hundley
And I think at one point he had seen some of this conversation. And I think he, you know, that put him over the top.
00;15;51;13 – 00;15;54;23
Wendy Lyons
Too, because now he’s really losing control. He’s she’s got a job.
00;15;54;23 – 00;16;15;07
Carolyn Hundley
I don’t she’s not means to live. Yes. Not going to marry you. I want out of this relationship now. I’m looking for another relationship. So one thing that kind of you know, for me, it’s like and I remember me even having a conversation with her because I felt like she was getting really confident and cocky. And I’m like, Please tell me there’s not somebody else like you.
00;16;15;11 – 00;16;36;01
Carolyn Hundley
Like, he’s crazy, you know? We don’t need any other crazies, you know? And and, you know, my husband was like, you know, she can’t be leading him on you know, because I think for her it was let me try to get out. Let me do all the right things or try to do the right thing. She’d gone to the Jasmine County domestic violence folks there.
00;16;36;10 – 00;17;05;10
Carolyn Hundley
She had gone to the school where the children were at, talked with the officer there as well as the principal. She had started packing up crates and totes and bringing them to a place so she could store them. And she, I don’t know, done like two truckloads of that. And she had started getting all the kids stuff together, like making sure she was real organized.
00;17;06;09 – 00;17;29;15
Carolyn Hundley
I think that’s why she went changed her policy, you know, at the time. And I think she started doing all of this. And then I think at one point, I think he realized that she was trying to move some stuff because I think he either called her out or something like that, because I remember my nephew saying something about he like saw that there was stuff in the back of the truck and he was like, what’s that?
00;17;29;15 – 00;17;48;06
Carolyn Hundley
And, you know, and there’s this big kind of heated argument. So I think she was trying to do all that stuff. But right around that time, we had brought my niece to see a movie and we were bringing her back home. And I remember him coming out to my side of the window and, you know, just kind of hanging out.
00;17;48;06 – 00;18;14;07
Carolyn Hundley
And so he is, well, she’s going to give me another chance. She’s going to give me another chance where we’re getting back together. We are back together. You know, I’ve done some bad things and I’ve done some wrong things, but we’re back together and, you know, all this kind of stuff. And I mean, it was so bizarre, you know, one, because most men don’t have those kind of conversations with another man.
00;18;14;10 – 00;18;23;12
Carolyn Hundley
Like my husband’s right there in the driver’s seat. Yeah, it was very awkward and weird. Like, it was one of those moments that, I mean, we both left out of there and went, What was.
00;18;23;12 – 00;18;24;09
Wendy Lyons
That and what.
00;18;24;09 – 00;18;28;09
Wendy Lyons
Was that and who was that for? Yeah, that’s what I would. Yes. Who was that?
00;18;28;10 – 00;18;45;02
Carolyn Hundley
You know, I’ve done, I’ve done some things and, you know, all this kind of stuff, but she’s, she’s forgiven me and we’re going to get back together. And Ed, now lead up, you kind of reverse a little bit, too. I mean, you know, from what we understand, he always had someone else. Always.
00;18;45;03 – 00;18;57;11
Wendy Lyons
I was going to go because there’s a name that shows up in a news articles. But I think it’s Shirley Shoemaker. Exactly is. Yeah. Because when you saw my I’ve done some bad things. Yeah. Let’s go down that rabbit hole.
00;18;57;17 – 00;19;14;01
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah. And you know, I don’t know a whole lot about her at all. I have never physically met her. What my husband and I knew of her was she is this little old woman that he is helping out. That’s what we were told. I go there and I help her out.
00;19;14;27 – 00;19;17;19
Wendy Lyons
So you think and she’s 87 and she’s a widow and Yeah.
00;19;17;26 – 00;19;26;21
Carolyn Hundley
One thing and she’s some little old lady, right? Or with and now I think for both my husband and I, we’re both like this like he doesn’t help any.
00;19;26;21 – 00;19;29;00
Wendy Lyons
Yeah, that’s not in nature to help you.
00;19;29;01 – 00;19;52;14
Carolyn Hundley
Right. Unless there’s gain he’s not doing a bunch of help. And so I think for him I think it was, you know, from what we understand, there was a lot of other women besides Lydia and besides the Shirley, you know. But I think for the last four years of the life she was there and she was for.
00;19;52;14 – 00;19;54;29
Wendy Lyons
Years, he had a relationship with this lady.
00;19;55;06 – 00;20;22;26
Carolyn Hundley
And I think the relationship started out and her husband was there involved, not involved in the relationship, but he was there in the picture. So I don’t know if he met them and befriended them at first, but soon the husband’s out of the house. Can has a room in this house. In fact, I mean, you know, when you read stuff on people’s text messages, which of course, you know, her phone, I read four years of text messages between the two.
00;20;22;26 – 00;20;29;29
Carolyn Hundley
I mean, at one point she’s he’s taken pictures of his bedroom to show Lydia was just some of it was just so.
00;20;30;01 – 00;20;32;04
Wendy Lyons
Like so Lydia knew of surely.
00;20;32;16 – 00;20;33;20
Carolyn Hundley
Lydia knew surely.
00;20;33;20 – 00;20;34;27
Wendy Lyons
That he stayed there.
00;20;34;27 – 00;20;47;21
Wendy Lyons
And again, we’re not trying to make any kind of a judgment on on Shirley. But when I saw her name in the news, I thought, well, let’s put some context to it, because actually, I don’t know who she is. These are about I don’t want to frame her up in a way.
00;20;48;02 – 00;20;48;04
Carolyn Hundley
00;20;48;08 – 00;20;56;10
Wendy Lyons
The news can leave some innuendo in there. And I thought, well, we probably help her out a little bit, too, because she’s obviously associated with this bad cat.
00;20;56;13 – 00;20;56;22
Carolyn Hundley
00;20;57;01 – 00;21;02;09
Wendy Lyons
So, yeah, you you naturally assume that she’s bad as well, which may not be the case. She probably.
00;21;02;09 – 00;21;02;20
Carolyn Hundley
00;21;02;24 – 00;21;07;05
Wendy Lyons
I mean, his next victim, if he had stuck around long enough. Yeah. So. So Lydia.
00;21;07;05 – 00;21;34;20
Carolyn Hundley
Knew. Yep. Lydia knew. And I think that from what we understand and again, was not this information wasn’t privy to us until after she was murdered. Lydia was murdered was that Shirley thought that Lydia was Ken’s niece. So Lydia lived with or kin lived with Lydia, Ken’s niece, and his two children. Wow. So that was the storyline that that was according to, you know, what we found out.
00;21;34;22 – 00;21;37;15
Wendy Lyons
Had you ever heard the name Shirley during these four years?
00;21;37;15 – 00;21;57;09
Carolyn Hundley
I had heard that. We had heard the name Shirley, as you know. Hey, go and help the little old lady Shirley up in Frankfort fix her fence. Hey, he’s up at Shirley’s tonight. And I mean, I’m like, what? And I mean, even again, talking to Lydia on those last especially those last two or three months is like, what in the world is happening here?
00;21;57;12 – 00;22;00;07
Carolyn Hundley
Like, he’s up there, you know? I mean, it’s just.
00;22;00;08 – 00;22;15;14
Wendy Lyons
Like, why would he be staying there even if it was an elderly lady that he’s helping? You don’t just stay there. Yeah. Frankfort is not that far from us. It’s not like you’re traveling 3 hours and it’s too late to come back home. Did anybody ever find out how was she, an old lady? Is this a true now?
00;22;15;14 – 00;22;23;02
Carolyn Hundley
She the lady? No, no, no, no, no, no. I want to say she and I don’t know what the news report, but I would say she’s late fifties, early sixties.
00;22;23;11 – 00;22;43;25
Wendy Lyons
The news reports I’m talking about, because I still want to stay clear on this is that we’re going to get to a point where he’s can’t be located and she’s with him. But I added again, maybe to do her a solid as far as take the innuendo out, because clearly she’s a victim of his manipulative wish resolutely. I mean, I mean, he’s got a niece now.
00;22;43;26 – 00;22;47;11
Wendy Lyons
I mean, it’s it’s just at its deep dives into who he.
00;22;47;11 – 00;22;52;11
Wendy Lyons
Is, right? Yeah. So. So you all kind of heard this name for the last four years? Just.
00;22;52;11 – 00;23;09;23
Carolyn Hundley
Well. Oh, really? Not, I don’t know. That was for the last four years, I think it was for the last, like two or three years. Like that. First whole first one or two years. I don’t know that we really heard her name a whole lot. Yeah, you would hear it. I would say prior the last two years of Lydia’s life, we heard it a lot just on the weekends.
00;23;09;23 – 00;23;28;03
Carolyn Hundley
Like when Lydia was with us, we’d ask, what’s been doing, what’s, you know, Oh, he’s over at Shirley’s. They’re fixing a fence. Or, you know, they’d have my nephew over there with her fix and, like, doing stuff or fixing her floor or just something that was happening. Like, to help supposedly help her out.
00;23;28;15 – 00;23;29;10
Wendy Lyons
A good Samaritan.
00;23;29;12 – 00;23;29;20
Carolyn Hundley
00;23;29;20 – 00;23;36;24
Wendy Lyons
So do you think, Lydia, suspicion that this was a girlfriend or do you think she thought he’s truly helping this old lady?
00;23;36;26 – 00;24;02;27
Carolyn Hundley
I think Lydia knew. I think Lydia knew what this was. I also think that she was funding Ken, this woman, you know. So again, I don’t know that to be true. I all I know is in records that I reviewed after Lydia’s passing, had Shirley’s credit card information and things like that. So I don’t know if there was some, you know, again, maybe that was because he did some jobs for him.
00;24;02;28 – 00;24;04;18
Carolyn Hundley
I don’t know. It’s just odd.
00;24;04;20 – 00;24;06;11
Wendy Lyons
Had Lydia and Shirley ever met?
00;24;06;21 – 00;24;07;05
Carolyn Hundley
00;24;07;27 – 00;24;09;24
Wendy Lyons
Do you know the circumstances of that?
00;24;10;16 – 00;24;19;11
Carolyn Hundley
I think they’d met a few times. I think the way they met, though, was that was his niece.
00;24;20;05 – 00;24;22;08
Wendy Lyons
And Lydia knew that she was niece.
00;24;22;25 – 00;24;23;01
Carolyn Hundley
00;24;23;13 – 00;24;25;07
Wendy Lyons
And she was okay being the niece.
00;24;25;20 – 00;24;32;23
Carolyn Hundley
I think she was okay being the niece, because that put him out of the house two or three nights a week and that was a good thing. Wow.
00;24;34;16 – 00;24;37;03
Wendy Lyons
Do you think Shirley truly knew that she wasn’t a niece?
00;24;37;16 – 00;24;42;19
Carolyn Hundley
I don’t know. I don’t know. I’d be hard pressed to say that she didn’t.
00;24;43;12 – 00;25;05;20
Wendy Lyons
But yeah, like you have an adult niece. Why isn’t she living on her own? Like, that’s weird. Was your dad your brother or your sister or whomever? Yeah. So? So moving. So we’ve got. We’ve got Shirley, who’s the other person. And so it’s common that he’s gone each week, at least a night or two or three or four to Shirley’s and what he is okay, because at least he’s out of.
00;25;05;20 – 00;25;06;06
Carolyn Hundley
Her hair.
00;25;07;11 – 00;25;12;17
Wendy Lyons
And the kids kind of know probably a little bit that this is kind of a weird situation.
00;25;12;17 – 00;25;15;15
Carolyn Hundley
But with them.
00;25;16;00 – 00;25;30;10
Wendy Lyons
The children. Did Lydia come along as well? Okay. So the children vacationed with Ken and Lydia. I’m at I’m sorry, with Ken and with Ken and Shirley. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. And Lydia was okay with that. Like she would tell you the children are gone with.
00;25;30;17 – 00;25;35;08
Carolyn Hundley
I don’t know, Shirley. The word okay is the right word. I think it was.
00;25;35;19 – 00;25;37;23
Wendy Lyons
I’m taking the kids with me and Shirley.
00;25;38;02 – 00;25;42;06
Carolyn Hundley
I think it is. It’s his way. Wow. There’s no option, right?
00;25;43;00 – 00;25;44;23
Wendy Lyons
Like I said, it speaks to the depth of who.
00;25;45;01 – 00;25;55;06
Wendy Lyons
Yes. So moving into this night, this this happened on January 5th. Had you talked to her on like the third or fourth?
00;25;55;14 – 00;26;14;20
Carolyn Hundley
So it actually happened the night of the fourth. The reason it was the fifth is because that’s when the coroner got to the and I’m not sure how that works, but usually when they make an official, when they make the official call and again, there was some again what we said can some real oddities kind of things happening.
00;26;14;20 – 00;26;40;18
Carolyn Hundley
And so the last time we saw Lydia was on the 31st, so she talked about wanting a nice new truck. I was like, Perfect, Darryl, And I’ll get you in contact with our car guy because we’ve bought a few cars from a dealership. You know, we’ll get you helped out and all that kind of stuff. And so on Saturday, I think of Saturday on the 31st, she text and said, you know, hey, are you home?
00;26;41;00 – 00;26;50;07
Carolyn Hundley
We’re just out for a drive. We want to come see you. And I said, Yeah, so we’re taking down Christmas decorations, just pop outside. And so she came by to show me her new truck.
00;26;50;23 – 00;26;51;09
Wendy Lyons
Was she by.
00;26;51;09 – 00;27;06;07
Carolyn Hundley
Herself? No, she was with him and the kids. And so they had gone and gotten this new truck with her dad’s money and he cosigned for it. And I’m like, What are you doing like that?
00;27;06;07 – 00;27;07;23
Wendy Lyons
Has his name on there.
00;27;07;23 – 00;27;12;27
Carolyn Hundley
And so, of course, his whole thing when he came is like, Well, yeah, I got your sister, this truck.
00;27;12;27 – 00;27;14;20
Wendy Lyons
And no, actually, her dad did. Yeah.
00;27;14;21 – 00;27;34;26
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah, exactly. And so but I mean, you know, it was this big show. And then at one point, I guess he’s having a sidebar conversation with my husband that said, you know, you know, I’m thinking of, you know, if Liddy agrees to marry me, are you okay if we if we get married here at the house, you know, at the barn and, you know, so he’s having this whole conversation.
00;27;34;26 – 00;27;53;04
Carolyn Hundley
So this is all happening. This even is really odd, you know? So, hey, she goes and gets this truck and he cosign for and I’m like, what the. And so she’s so proud of this truck, You know, it’s beautiful. And you know, he’s going on about how he got this truck and then he’s having a sidebar conversation with Darryl about how they’re going to get married in our barn.
00;27;53;21 – 00;28;12;27
Carolyn Hundley
And so we’re sitting there and I said, well, you know, have you all had anything to eat? You want to run up to the little diner? We’ll get something to eat. And so we went to the little diner there in Stamford Ground and had dinner, and it was all of us. The kids were there and everything and the whole.
00;28;13;12 – 00;28;44;27
Carolyn Hundley
And this was that other kind of creepy, crazy. You know, the whole conversation was almost like how he had been abused as a child and how his daddy was so awful and how he would, you know, throw himself over his mom. He had many broken ribs because his dad would beat his mother and he would throw himself over his mother to kind of protect her and how evil his father was and all this kind of just talking about how, Oh, woe is me.
00;28;44;27 – 00;28;45;17
Carolyn Hundley
Yeah, how bad.
00;28;45;17 – 00;28;45;29
Wendy Lyons
He had.
00;28;45;29 – 00;28;51;26
Carolyn Hundley
It, how bad it was and how awful. And, you know, and so the whole night was kind of that just.
00;28;51;26 – 00;28;53;28
Wendy Lyons
Weird, like, why are we even talking.
00;28;53;28 – 00;29;16;26
Carolyn Hundley
About this weird. And I just, you know, Liddy and I always which was just a big thing and it’s always for my whole family is, you know, when we say our goodbyes, it’s hugs and kisses and I love you. And, you know, it’s one of those things that you look back at. And when she walked out that door and we did that, it was just like one of those things that, you know, that was kind of eerie, you know, remembrance of that last time as, ah.
00;29;17;16 – 00;29;39;24
Wendy Lyons
If you are a victim of domestic violence or partner violence, please call your local police department or the National domestic Violence hotline at one 800 7997233. You are not alone. There are resources available to help you and your family. Hey, you know there’s more to the story, so go download the next episode. Like the true crime fan that you are.
00;29;41;16 – 00;30;14;11
Wendy Lyons
The Murder Police podcast is hosted by Wendy and David Lyons and was created to honor the lives of crime victims so their names are never forgotten. It is produced, recorded and edited by David Lyons. The murder Police podcast can be found on your favorite Apple or Android podcast platform as well as at Murder Police podcast sitcom, where you will find Shownotes transcripts, information about our presenters and a link to the official Murder Police Podcast merch store where you can purchase a huge variety of murder police podcast swag.
00;30;14;25 – 00;30;38;13
Wendy Lyons
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00;30;38;26 – 00;30;42;06
Wendy Lyons
And please tell your friends Lockdown Judy.