In the 4-part mini-series, The Murder of Joseph Trevor Dilger, the listener joins Arson Investigator Chris O’Bryan and Homicide Investigator Tim Upchurch, as they discuss the 2016 murder that brought them together.
This is a unique opportunity to hear the important role fire investigation can play in a murder case, and learn how the science and practices come together to find the truth.
Joseph Trevor Dilger was a young man that was wretched away from this life, his family and his friends by violent people. The suspects (yes, more than one), each offered challenges to the investigators in their own unique ways.
This is a case where no details could be ignored, where intuition kicks in before anyone even knows there has been a murder and “hose draggers and coppers” combine strengths to provide justice for Mr. Dilger.
So download all 4 episodes as they release, and as always on The Murder Police Podcast, you will not only honor the victim, but you will learn so much about investigations, that you can letter in True Crime.
The Murder of Joseph Trevor Dilger | Part 1 of 4 | September 28, 2021
The Murder of Joseph Trevor Dilger | Part 2 of 4 | October 5, 2021
The Murder of Joseph Trevor Dilger | Part 3 of 4 | October 12, 2021
The Murder of Joseph Trevor Dilger | Part 4 of 4 | October 19, 2021
Your Case Investigators

Chris O’Bryan is a Certified Fire Investigator through the International Association of Arson Investigators as well as a Certified Fire and Explosive Investigator and Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator through the National Association of Fire Investigators. He has over 30 years of experience in the fire service, including working as a Fire/Arson Investigator for the Lexington Fire Department, and has conducted over 1000 fire/arson investigations. Chris is a licensed Kentucky Private Investigator (KY-0390) Certified Kentucky Fire Inspector, Level I State Fire Instructor and KY EMT. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Fire & Safety Engineering from Eastern Kentucky University, with an emphases in fire/arson investigations. Chris is a member of the International Association of Arson Investigators, a member of the Kentucky Chapter of International Association of Arson Investigators, where he is currently holds the Secretary position of this Chapter. Chris owns Matrix Investigation Group, found at https://www.matrixgroup1.com/

Timothy Upchurch graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in May 2002 obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Police Administration. He joined the Lexington Police Department in June 2002 and during his career he served in many different units. Outside of his time in patrol, Timothy was assigned to the Traffic Section-2nd shift traffic, Selective Enforcement Unit, Residential Burglary and in Homicide. Working within the various units, Timothy investigated several offenses and testified with successful prosecution in court at the District, Circuit and Federal levels.
As a police officer, Timothy completed various training courses and certifications including Field Training Officer, Homicide & Death Investigations, Criminal Investigations for New Detectives, Reid Interview and Interrogations, Stan Walters Practical Kinesics Interview Interrogations, DOCJT Interrogations course, Collision Reconstruction Investigations and Introductions to Forensic Video Analysis.
Timothy retired from the Lexington Police Department in June 2021. He joined Fayette County Public Schools Police Department as a Resource Officer in August 2021.
Timothy resides in Lexington, Kentucky with his wife and two children.
News Articles
there seems to be alot of key facts everyone is determined to leave out of this story, to preserve Mr.Dilgers good name and prevent exposure of his personal struggles. Mr.Dilger had become addicted to drugs, drugs that Jeremy sold. He rented his vehicle to Mr.Harris in exchange for an agreed upon amount of drugs. Mr. Harris was using the vehicle when Mr Digger called saying he needed to go somewhere and asking if they’d pick him up and drop him off at said location. Once they picked him up he revealed he hsd used all of the drugs given to him by Jeremy and requested more. Mr.Harris refused unless he had cash which he said he didn’t have for 3 more days. As Mr.Harris continued making stops delivering drugs to customers Mr.Dikger became increasingly frustrated and kept asking Jeremy for credit which he denied. Dilger became irate started screaming they needed to pull into the next gas station or store he needed his car back right that momentnsokce they couldn’t help him he could no longer help them. he was making threats send using the N word and Jeremy lost his temper and shot Mr. Dilger. Mrs Hanley simply happened to be in the car as Jeremy was giving her a ride or did she have any clue this would occur. May he rest in peace.
Wow! Those are details that had to come from inside that car! Thanks for bringing that forward!